.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The meson-python developers .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT License ======= ``meson-python`` is distributed under the terms of the `MIT License`__. ``meson-python`` is tightly coupled to the Meson build system, which is distributed under the the terms of the `Apache License 2.0`__. __ https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson-python/blob/main/LICENSE __ https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/COPYING Maintainers =========== The current maintainers of ``meson-python`` are: - `Ralf Gommers `_ - `Daniele Nicolodi `_ - `Henry Schreiner `_ - `Thomas Li `_ Emeritus maintainers: - `Filipe Laíns `_ Funding ======= Ralf Gommers contributes to the development of ``meson-python`` as part of their job at `Quansight`_. Initial creation of ``meson-python`` by Filipe Laíns was also funded by `Quansight`_. .. _Quansight: https://www.quansight.com/ Packages ======== ``meson-python`` packages are distributed via `PyPI`_ as a source distribution and a single pure Python wheel that works across all supported Python versions. Distributors are recommended to fetch release sources from the corresponding tags on the Git repository_ or from source distributions on `PyPI`_. Git tags are PGP-signed with one of the following keys: - |3DCE51D60930EBA47858BA4146F633CBB0EB4BF2|_ Filipe Laíns - |52BDC33FD1FBAB569D47FFA923D9E5499A08BDC5|_ Ralf Gommers .. _repository: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson-python .. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/meson-python/ .. |3DCE51D60930EBA47858BA4146F633CBB0EB4BF2| replace:: ``3DCE51D60930EBA47858BA4146F633CBB0EB4BF2`` .. _3DCE51D60930EBA47858BA4146F633CBB0EB4BF2: https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3dce51d60930eba47858ba4146f633cbb0eb4bf2 .. |52BDC33FD1FBAB569D47FFA923D9E5499A08BDC5| replace:: ``52BDC33FD1FBAB569D47FFA923D9E5499A08BDC5`` .. _52BDC33FD1FBAB569D47FFA923D9E5499A08BDC5: https://github.com/rgommers.gpg